@misc{Vardanyan_Artur_Improved, author={Vardanyan Artur and Варданян Артур}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Improved Model of The Scheduling Algorithm}, language={English}, language={Английский}, abstract={Cluster computing is becoming increasingly practical for high performance computing research and development. A computer cluster is a set of connected computers that work together so that, they can be viewed as a single system. Clusters o®er a scalable means of linking computers together to provide an expansive environment for hosting enterprise applications. As the number of nodes in cluster con¯gurations grows, the cluster administration becomes more challenging. We need to study the challenges of cluster management and to provide a solution. To have an e®ective cluster management we need to have an e®ective task scheduling algorithm. With the explosive growth of information, the demand on computing is sharply increasing. Due to a large number of computing tasks, the scheduling algorithm is an important part of cluster computing and has a great in°uence on the quality of claster service. In cluster computing, some large tasks may occupy too many resources and some small tasks may wait for a long time based on First-In-First-Out (FIFO) scheduling algorithm. This paper provides an overview of an improved scheduling algorithm that shortens the execution time of tasks and increases the resource utilization.}, abstract={В статье вводится улучшенную модель алгоритма планирования, которая уменьшает время выполнения задач и увеличивает использование ресурсов системы. В вышеупомянутом алгоритме каждая задача характеризуется параметрами ((3, и), где °-количество узлов кластера, необходимых для выполнения этой задачи, (3-максимальное время, необходимое для выполнения этой задачи, а и -максимальное время, что эта задача может подождать до назначения для запуска.}, title={Improved Model of Scheduling Algorithm}, title={Улучшенная модель алгоритма планирования}, type={Article}, }