Nanassian Aram ; Matveev Eduard ; Нанасян Арам ; Матвеев Эдуард
In this paper, the design and features of the independent infocommunicational software resource are presented based on e-mail and SMS technologies, named Unimail. The components of the server and their responsibilities are also considered. Peculiarities of the Unimail’s architecture and principles of workflow are discussed. Acceptable commands and configuration details are described for users.
Инфокоммуникационная система UNIMail - независимый аппаратнопрограммный ресурс на основе технологий электронной почты и SMS. Приведены функциональные компоненты сервера UNIMail. Обсуждаются особенности архитектуры и принципы работы, базовые команды системы.
Mathematical Problems of Computer Science ; ;
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
May 3, 2021
Jul 29, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Andranik Mkhitaryan, Unimail Info-Communicational Software | May 3, 2021 |
Mkhitaryan Andranik Petrosyan Arthur Nanassian Aram
Mkhitaryan Andranik Petrosyan Arthur Nanassian Aram
Mkhitaryan Andranik