Following Jean Piaget, we interpret cognizing as mental doings on learning and organizing mental systems (mss), while learning and organizing are mostly reduced to revelation and acquisition of mss accumulated in communities. To ground the fundamental hypotheses of Piaget that cognitive doings are learned stage by stage from certain root doings to the highest ones by means of only a few rules, we construct an extension of object-oriented programs, mentals, to approach the expressive power of natural languages in representation of realities and confirm the adequacy of mentals in modeling cognizing by several criteria. Then we argue that mentals, including the rules of their cognitive development, are reducible to certain roots, including 1- and 2- place classifiers, and a chain of development of classifiers to various cognitive mentals can be tracked based on the - algorithms (inductors) of revelation of 1/2 place classifiers of increasing abstractness, aimed to model the law of accommodation by Piaget, and - procedures of acquisition of mss from communities and their processing for several cognitive doings, aimed to model the law of assimilation by Piaget. 2. Then, we question whether these 1/2 place classifiers can originate in Nature and develop to the highest levels of cognizing allowing to construct their own AI robots. A positive answer to this question could resolve the mystery of the origin of cellular realities, since their enormous complexity cannot be attained by chance but it can only be constructed. The promises of the positive answer rely on the uniformity of the measures of negentropicity by Schrödinger and information by Shannon as well as on the hypotheses of physicists, referring to J. Parondo, that information (and, therefore, negentropics) can originate in Nature, while information and classifying are, we assume, inseparable from each other. 3. Consequently, one may question whether this origination is unique to our solar system or is manifold in the Universe? Following the assumption that conditions similar to those of our solar system are manifold in the Universe. Thus, we can assume that powerful cognizers can originate in various regions of the Universe and self-develop to the highest levels allowing them to reproduce themselves in various modes
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Pogossian Edward
Pogossian Edward
Pogossian Edward Grigoryan Sedrak Hakobyan Nairi