Gevorgyan G. ; Knyazyan Aram ; Mikayelyan G.A.
The Digitized First Byurakan Survey is the largest and the first systematic objective-prism survey of the extragalactic sky. The detection, extraction, and classification of about 40 million spectra of about 20 million astronomical objects available in the survey require distinguishing the pixels containing photons from the source and the noise pixels per object. This paper aims at developing a service to classify the spectra of UV-excess galaxies, quasars, compact galaxies, and other objects in the survey. Supervised and unsupervised convolutional neural network deep learning algorithms have been developed and studied.
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia ; V. Ambartsumian Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
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Arts and Humanities Citation Index ; Astrophysics Data System ; INSPEC ; Science Citation Index Expanded ; Scopus ; Web of Science
Apr 23, 2021
Apr 23, 2021
Հրատարակության անուն | Ամսաթիվ |
Astsatryan Hrachya, Astronomical objects classification based on the Digitized First Byurakan Survey low-dispersion spectra | Apr 23, 2021 |
Mickaelian Areg Abrahamyan Hayk Andreasyan Hasmik Azatyan Naira Farmanyan Sona Gigoyan Kamo Gyulzadyan Marietta Khachatryan Knarik Knyazyan Aram Gayane Kostandyan Gor Mikayelyan Elena Nikoghosyan Gurgen Paronyan Ani Vardanyan
Mickaelian Areg Astsatryan Hrachya Knyazyan Aram Magakian Tigran Mikayelyan Gor Erastova Lidija Hovhannisyan, L. R. Sargsyan, L. A. Sinamyan, P. K.
Astsatryan Hrachya Hayrapetyan Andranik Narsisian Wahi Asmaryan Shushanik Saghatelyan Armen Muradyan Vahagn Giuliani Gregory Guigoz Yaniss Ray Nicolas
Astsatryan Hrachya Narsisian Wahi Gyulgyulyan Eliza Baghdasaryan Vardan Poghosyan Armen Mamasakhlisov Yevgeni Wittenburg Peter
Astsatryan Hrachya Grogoryan Hayk Gyulgyulyan Eliza Hakobyan Anush Kocharyan Aram Narsisian Wahi Sahakyan Vladimir Yuri Shoukourian Rita Abrahamyan Zarmandukht Petrosyan Julien Aligon
Astsatryan Hrachya Narsisian Wahi Georges da Costa
Ասցատրյան Հրաչյա Գիչունց Էդիտա
Astsatryan Hrachya Asmaryan Shushanik Saghatelyan Armen Bigagli Lorenzo Mazzetti Paolo Nativi Stefano Guigoz Yaniss Pierre Lacroix Gregory Giuliani Nicolas Ray